Some forget the term: "fresh air."
A Time for "Fresh Air." And
while a child is trying to grow up
the adult will hurt the World a
LittleTon more. Just look around.
Man and Woman can not even
pro-create "anymore" without
addressing dying from a sexually
transmitted disease or going to jail
because they gave birth to a child
but have little money. All this is
true, absolutely. It is a very sick
America. Think American adults
should re-examine their self being
and self worth. And how do you
go forward. Who will you hurt ?
Will - you do something good. Did
you ever get the feeling when
sitting in the forest or in a field or
on the beach that some one or
some thing was watching you.
You know no one is there. Or
at least that is what you think.
Hummm. That feeling. There is
a difference between thinking and
knowing. Some thing is always
watching. Especially when you
get that feeling.
"The Greatest Adventure" ...

When You
Want To Know
The Official Site of God,
One True God.
The Brethren of Prophets.
Home of "The Prophets
Prophet." c. 2000+
The Word Of God
- More to Come -
Busy working on other things. See ya soon.
Return To Portal Opening
History can be read the
correct way. Truthfully.

If you kill me again,
I have but one thing to
say ... "Thank you."

Some things are an observation.
Let me know when you want me to
stop calling all this "coincidence"
and call it "the next event" instead--

Next Coincidence
The so-called American Holy Ground:
The Courts and The Justice System
serve themselves with special
and massive corruption.
Now Imagine This.
Literally passing "The Word" a
sound vibration into the womb
from a human being's mouth on
a woman's stomach to the child.
Ahhhh. Imagine that in Science.
What would be the chain ...
reaction ?

And care only if it effects them. They
lack awareness and the caring to have
the awareness they should have and
need. And those with strength keep
their might to appease the political.
As if money is everything. This
world and dimension of time is a bad
Land that finds selfishness a priority.
Are you getting the drift ?
The tide goes up, the tide
goes down. Now breathe.
With the Earth. Get the drift ?
You have engaged, brought
forward, The Holiest of Holy
Wars. What time waited
for. And who you started
it with was none other
than- The Universe itself.
I wish you all: good... luck
Watching The Wheels.
Many things get very Hot.
The Power Within ...
The Moral To All Stories:
Everything in Life comes back to you
as well as others. Remember those
words "Just as well." And Life itself
has its finger on your pulse and every
generation connected to you.
This Space progessively grows. Nature... Forces of true
power upon the conscience of humankind. All those
disrespectful learn the word ... mystery
Arielle - That is amazing.
You got there before me.
You were just waiting
for me to get there. See
what happened when
you spoke to me. Read
it any way you see it.
The way it is. Totally --

But if you are privileged with more
knowledge, then you can go from
here to there. And you know that.
Have a good time. Inside knowledge.
Two sides to the coin. Undercurrent
to the ocean waves. What you see
and what you don't. There is ...
always something to learn.
Learn all you can.
If you know of "the TC site" do
not bring people from there to here.
They are not to know the connection
unless they find what is inside their
"self" on their own --gets them here.
Sealing Your Fate.
Do what you will. Let's see.
A.I.D.S., Lyme Disease,
West Nile Mosquitos ...
What's missing. Balance.

One word ... it came in time to
be. . True.

Human History. Your human history.
Where you really come from.
Documented. Evermore.

You ask this Question.
The Word of God .com
how do I type that.
One word ?
Response: --
One Word.
See. Life. Literal.
"One Word."
Someone said that looks like a
sword, you scallywags !!!
See the "R" upper right.
"I don't see it."

The Challenger
Space Shuttle
Event January 1986

photo credit: back page
New York Daily News.

Don't mess with
Mother Nature or
who she

What one would
think it says --

The Word is

"It's a fat fat world
with a real funky
funky Buddha
in it." Many Rivers
To Cross.

Earth Quake
Touch "The Main
Dish" "Just as
well" and see
what happens.

Before The
Woman "stole"
there were
no Mosquitos
killing people in
New Jersey and
New York. Now
there are. What
did she steal ?
From who ?

Get The Point.
See the
Dragon Fly.
On to some
"Big Scenes."
Coincidence ?
spread ... The Word.
And the dead are more than
restless. Learn To Learn.

Can you see colors ? Can you read
colors ?
There are certain windows
in Time. "The Pen" has 4. You see
two. What is said that is missing.
What two statements appear next ?
Do you know ?? "The Pen."

The Music Credit:
Listeners Wanted
Kinetic Records.

The Story of Humanity on Earth
They kill their brothers and sisters.
They murder Prophets. Children
starve. They -humans- have wholly
shown by their own actions they care
little about anything but themselves.
But who am I ?
Respect Nature.
Touch the Tornado
and just wait. But.
Take shelter.
Humankind must be careful
of --"reckless disregard."
A bit of what you may not know
1977 - sound vibration produced by
the Human Voice that can make
TV screens oscillate perfected and
titled "The Word" a/k/a "The Word
Of God."
1981 - U.S. copyright registered
with Library of Congress "The Word
of God", "TXu" author anonymous.
1982 - "Spot" International Lizard.
1984 - U.S. copyright registered
Library of Congress "SR" "The
Word Of God" sound recording -
official: author Richard david Renda.
1985 - placed in choke hold and
held by throat until the human
body "stopped moving" completely
plus S.W.A.T Sunday and more.
1986 - "4" page CDC A.I.D.S.
warning in every mailbox in U.S.
"Signed 4" classified. Newsday.
1987 - signed permanently into
Law by New York State Supreme
Court Judge. "known In Law" as
"the second coming of the prophet"
1988 - into the Big Gotham. Anna
Wintour. Laurie Schechter. Plus.
1994 - present intro and officially
register in Law "Totally Cool
® ",
the trademark of Him.
1996 - September. Found Main
Dish. August 11, 1996 New Jersey
strangulation assailant fails in New
York at murder. December 3, 1996
"allegedly speaking." December 4
Skechers attempted murder fails.
1997 - August 12. An action figure
in action. Pervert claims "to fuck" a
1 year old girl. Government involved
1998 - ""
(launched November 22, 1999.)
1999 - N. J. appeal application
documents corruption / liars.
2000 - Spring. Totally Cool ®.
"History on Record."
July 4th. For "a Brief" and
some more plus.
Then ... a nation counts.
Go to: News Talk 6 ;
"Save As" ! ! !
Very Important. "Save as." - Pass it on -
Are You Giving God What
God Gave You ? Life. And
"Respect." Do you have a
problem understanding
What God Is. Let me help
God Is The Living
Mind of "The
All Universes.
The Quote:
"Do not let anyone claim to
be a true American if they
ever attempt to remove
Religion from Politics."
George Washington.
Life is escalating its own Power.

Go to: News Talk 8 ;
To know what is ahead of you
it takes one thing. You must
look. Like a good movie you
do not want to watch. You
peek. In between your fingers.
Temptation or Redemption.
Did you like the movie ???
Try real Life.

Coincidences demonstrating.
"An example" like: are you getting
an Education. The point. And
then some more, effecting all.
"I heard words" in Justice. But
none were spoken. What is
Jewish, of Greek origin -- yet
is not ? Something between
You and The Universe. So.
A Nation counts. Or does it ?

The Universe thinks.
It -Was- said.
America. A Country given to people
by a course of destiny, accident,
coincidence. For you everything that
does exists was -is- a thought first.
Why would it be any thing different
with regard to The Universe ? What
does that tell you about America and
how it came to be ? The Universe
Thinks. Did you ever think about
that ? And what does that tell about
how you came to be ?
Holding your breath. The story
is "Creation's Grand Scale Plan."
Life is real.
is real. Obviously. It exists. The
fact that it came to be should teach
you some thing about the Universe
-- by that alone. If you ignore what
is really inside you - it will chase
you. If you ignore Life calling it
will chase you. And more when
you do not see it. It is Life that
will set You up. If you attempt
any further destructions Life will
chase you until the end of time.
The Word is. Written. You can not
say you were not warned. Some
would like to think they just live
in this world then they die, every
thing goes black and they do not
have to think about anything. It
is over. That is not so. You will
The Year that is called. 2001.
Where All Souls Begin To Count ...

And generations go forward
2001 -- 2002 -- 2003 -- 2004 --

The Books Are Open.
All the Universe speaks.
To those who listen.
And louder to those who do not.

Demonstrations, Wonders,
Examples, Physical Manifestations.
Welcome ! To The Vortex In
Time. Well ... hello there.
Life is not about what you
"think", it is about "what is."
Must give Mother Nature
and the powers at hand the
just deserve ... How would you
know which is the dream or
where you were, until you wake
up ?
Try to control Life and it
reacts for the duration.

Beginning To A New Generation
- The Age of Electricity -
An education. And the opening
of 2001. "President appointed."
plus the links to Year 2000.
News To Talk About: 1 thru 10.
"Mid-Year News To Talk About"
intense with power progresses
forward as it writes events
before they happen and it
accelerates into the New Year.

Where does terror end ? When
we learn to bring families
together. The Future is.

March. Year 2001.
Mother Nature can do some "extreme"
things. Especially through Human
beings. The Pen also remembers. A
4 hour Tornado. End years. In the Past
Millennium. Powers of The Universe
would say "that was only a very small
demonstration. As it has been. Only
so far." The Future counts.
Every person has a direct relative
that is dead. Think what if they
were not dead ? Then think what
could happen if they reached out
in an action to influence people.
Moreso ... because they were
overlooked and you thought they
were not there. To think that
"dead" does not mean "alive" is
an error.
You are in the inner world.
On The Surface.

Many things can happen: where
Life is concerned
. This is why an
ounce of niceness is important to
have in one's soul. It could come
in handy (many times).
If you can imagine all the people
for thousands of years that it took
to get you here and understand
the concept they are all alive -
now how many would that be
is not what we want you to look
at. We just want you to get that
concept. All your relatives -- and
everyone's relatives being - alive.
This is what you should look at:
How big do you think that actual
place is ? The place called "The
Core of Creation." The Space
itself. How Big is it ??? Think.
It has to be Big enough to hold
all people (beings) from millions
of aeons and huge spans of time.
How big do you conceive this
place is ??? Okay. Your mind is
expanding. It wasn't that
hard, was it ?
Very busy. Evenso. We all love
Storytime. The Tale of The
who said: "What they
say happened to you could not
have happened" will be told.
"A Penny For The Truth. 2 Cents
for a Heart." Kill a person and
leave "Him" with "41 cents".
OTHER $1580 ??? It is
RETURNED after the fact.
Don't worry. This Space
fills In. Space always
grows progressively. As
a fact. For you Scientists.

Also "Life is not about
what you 'believe': it
is about what really is."
Period. End of report.
Just a matter of Time.
You see.

What happens after the
last breath ? And after
that. Then what ? Think
about it. Use your mind.
Another good exercise.

" Welcome to New York ! "
- Home of The Melting Pot -
Home of The International World

"America was created" by
Destiny and the Universe to
welcome "The Spirit", not
try and kill Him.
Someone told us of a story today
about a woman who was claiming
hardcore ... "poverty." She had
no bills to speak of. Someone
was paying everything for her,
she had a job and: $15,000 in the
bank. This was "poverty." Put
to The Word one would wonder
how that makes another hard
working woman who has nothing
but bills feel ? After hearing
about this person claiming
"poverty" with $15,000 in the
bank how does it make a woman
(or a man) feel who lives with
3 children in a 1 room apartment
in the projects ? Or ... how does
it compare to those who suffer in
Africa, Russia or anywhere in the
Hells of this World ??? $15,000
in the bank is far from "poverty."
People with monetary weath
have "the" responsibility -from
the core- to help those who are
suffering and to help those who
are striving to achieve something
good. Of course. Unless any rich
person wishes to push that hand
of "Karma." Now the rest of the
World has the responsibility to
recognize "the greedy." As they
will destroy many futures. Word.
This is a matter called. Heart.
Some men and women fall short
in that department. But then
there is that old piece of wisdom
that do warn: "What goes around
comes around." (And ... What
happens when you are finally.)
Ahhhhhhh ... Ask your "self":
What will you face in Death ?
Stay warm. Be well.
And The Good News Is ...
(TCBN) In The Beginning.

On CaLL.
NewsTalk 2 - Year 2001.
Begin as a fire ball. The Earth
Quakes. And quakes India more.
People learning things.
Plus --
The Story of The Red River.

Lesson 1: "The Truth Matters."
Lesson 2: "Save As."
Lesson 3: "Do not mess with
Mother Nature" (or Him).
Lesson 4: Ahhh. Saga continues.
The Message: We are Travelers
through Time and Space.

Much more to come ...
For Thousands Of Years - echo
- this cry thoughout all the Lands
and to all human beings great and
small, let it be known:
let none
take away your words. Ever.
Even when you are not speaking.
Let none stop you from speaking.
It is your right and it causes no
damage to those who have done
no wrong. Therefore let "them"
get all that they deserve. What
they do. Each individual according
to their works. And that you speak
Saith The Word. And The Word
Does Live Forever --
Ahhhh .....

(Did you know that on February
28 Year 2001 the day of the
Washington State 6.8 quake there
were 7 Earth Quakes a round
the World that day ? Including
Loyalty Islands. FYI.)

The Law in America: do as I
say not as I do (or as my family
Horror in America. It keeps
coming. You have not learned
to unite families so you earn
no blessings. What God giveth
God can easily take away.
Starts explosive. Pontius Pilate
makes a return debut "classified"
Signed 4 1985 Newsday rerun.
Plus the difference between
"I Heard Words" and "Allegedly
Speaking." A U.S. nuclear sub
levels. Out in deep water sinks
Fishing vessel. Ooops.
As you can see. You are tested.
And Judged by your own actions.
When you - The People - treat
The Guest poorly the World is
treated, as you can also see:
accordingly. Oh sorry, The Pen
forgets you "think" you are in
control of all The Universe.
If you want good things to happen
you have to do good things.
Simple. News To Talk About.
Karma is. The Word that warns.
When you take what does not
belong To You ...All powerful...
Nature Demonstrates.
not what was said. The People
are insulting The Universe.
Not our problem. The Sword
was pulled from the Stone ...
Whether you like it or not. And
on his head were many crowns.
Totally. A lot of work to get done.
Threatening to "have" a child
"arrested" when the child is really
reaching out (for help) was the
final note. That pushed a final
button. Waiting to happen. Place
your bet folks. You can always
count on an American adult to do
the wrong thing. Of course. It is
always about their "self." There
is a difference between "self"
concern and "true" concern. Do
you know what it is.
America has done something very
bad and the only answer to stop
the balances coming is to make
the wrong right. To end Karma
2+2 = 4. Never 3 .. 3 1/2 or 5.
When a Country does not live up
to, Honor, or ... Observe its own
"Uniform Laws plus": then comes
the power of what is paramormal
events. Because Life IS Judging
you. And will Judge you. Every
Being. Ahhhh. We are. Getting
somewhere. How long has this
project been worked on to reach
here. Answer: a quarter of a
Century and more (for a little

Want to do something fun ??? Go
to the Mirror and look at yourself.
As you are doing that ... hear me
say to you "God does do nice
work." Then look at your self
again. Wasn't that fun.

Now help me change The World.
- Save As -
I told you all prior: not to take
any of this lightly. Now I have to
come back to write. Ever since
a Letter 8/13/97 was placed on
official record combined with The
1996 President of The Girl Scouts
of America continued attempts
to set-up, kill, and cover-up
The Word Of God (and "Him"
Richard david), and for what you
"stole" and the physical attacks ...
henceforth: from the words of
Maureen S. and on the Marks
the "Bullet Points" Brief entered
into the record and the "Bullet
Points" shooting Education in
American Schools commenced.
October 1997. It Continues.
Fact. And it will not stop - until.

It was said "In the multiplication
factor. An extremely intense
March 8 is noted.
16 years later. "4" x "4". Being a
wise person one should get out
of the way of Mother Nature or
Apologize for the wrong. What
is. "Waiting to Happen." Next.
The Story of Life. Preserved.
Through the memory of Human
life. What is the Universe ? Oh
right, I forgot. Many think that
only they can think, but the
Universe can not.

Signed 4 ... TheWordOfGod.

written by "Him" --
owner of the U.S. copyright
"The Word Of God" (1981).
(Been around a long time, no ?
signed The Prophets' Prophet.)
All the money in the church or
the world could not buy you a
seat in Heaven. You have to
earn it. Then. There is the Book
of Revelation plus The Lotus
Sutra, and more. Prophecy. It's
the real thing baby. Fun ?
Think again.
To help wipe away The Tears.
In earlier times when I would talk
with Nature I stood in the rain.
A song comes to mind that
might help some. It is: The
Hassels -- Maybe you can
download it somewhere (legally)
or purchase it. The Song is called.
"Crying To Be Heard." (Hey
Billy -- Howie spoke today and
said I should give this to people
to find. And he said: he did not
forget what you did, and what
you didn't do. Thought you'd
like that.
A dead issue looks
upon you again.)
As it multiplies on March 5 year
2001 in America it could have
been even more. Worse. In the
"Liberty State" Pennsylvania, an
8 year old
schoolboy also went
to school with a gun: to kill --.
According to detailed reports
he was going to kill a female
classmate, the quote was: and
"turn it into a bloodbath."
Someone raised a strange fact.
Santana High School is the end
of "Carefree Street." Maybe
it is a message from the dead.
Some thing about "you" must
care. Especially about the wrongs
you have done, that "you" have
created. "You" are: "the adults
of today." You are to Blame.
Patterns. As you all hurt The
Prophets' Prophet and what is
of Him: you shall be hurt even
more. But you know that. Written
all through History. It is "the Law
of The Universe." That is why
they really do send Him in. And
he does arrive. See. You are
not Him. Nature Demonstrates
A Fact. That is. Not
NewsTalk 4 - Year 2001 back at
the ranch ... Washington State in
6.8 Quake, Spring in February, Yo
Momma Renee Cox written, Foot
& Mouth virus, Dublin St. Patrick's
Parade cancelled, Tornado cruises
22 - 23 miles, bomb in New Jersey
school, 15 year old in California
School kills, paranormal event tape
and Hello: Nature is talking to you.
Bad guys bent the Law and noted
on record Jan. 1998 "burned the
Constitution to the ground", plus.
But the power that gave us all
Life shall forget nothing. When
in the book of Revelation it states
they shall "wail" (1:7) because of
Him: it is not because he is bad.
It is because of the bad you did
to Him. So sadly we write. As is
the fact ... Santana High School
in California on March 5 -year
2001- faced a 15 year old student
with a gun who had a thought.
He did then shoot 15 people.
More school children are dead.
Never to return to their parents
in this world ever again. This is
what the "Main Dish" has brought
upon The People. The constant
curse. A true Wrath of God. The
only way anyone can change the
Karma is you have to want to
change it. Until then Hells will
only get much much much worse.
Time waits little. Nature's
get louder,
closer to everybody's homes ...
and hearts. How does a parent
feel -now- every time they send
their child to school ??? Will the
child come home.
(The wrong Word used against
a child. "Cowardice." It lacked
much. There is a profound
Understanding for March 5.)
Trust me. You do not want to
know. The World Adults and
so called "officials" created.
Crystal clear. The child who shot
15 people at School on Carefree
Street in California: his mother
lives in South Carolina. For
another coincidence. When
people found out her name it
made them laugh over a certain
"coincidence." Not funny. If the
warning was not made to appear
and the 8 year old child in the
State of The Liberty Bell was not
stopped Amercians would have
received double barrels in one
day: one on each U.S. coast.
Lives spared. More than you see.
Kindness comes in many ways.
Truth always shows its face in
time. Better to be on the side
of Truth. Something about The
Word. Always.
As it has been said, "Real Life
is not a game." Can you tell me
absolutely for a fact: what is
beyond the last breath ? Much
for you all to realize. To you
the children and the young
adult: you are not alone --
As I give you my Word. I
will create something for
you, something to help you.
Something there for you.
Guaranteed. Even if I have
to do it alone. Signed ...
Totally Cool ®

You decide how you want the
Universe to Judge you.
Because The Universe is
Judging You.
The Tale of The Attorney who said:
"What they say happened to you
could not have happened." Can not
say too much because too much
could hurt people. Was leaving a
store one day. There was a man
leaning on a glass counter. As I
was nearing to pass this gentleman
in a Suit he looked at me and said,
"You don't know who I am." The
man went on to identify who he
was. He also said "I am an Attorney
here on Long Island and in New
York. I have practices in (a number
of States named)." I answered, "I
know of you." He went on, "I hear
what they say about you. I know
what they say. I have followed the
(choke hold) case for about a year
and a half." Then I heard the man
speak these words: "What they say
happened to you could not have
happened." I responded "Why not ?"
The attorney said: "Because you
would not be able to articulate as
well as you do. The lack of oxygen
for that period of time (murder)
would have caused massive brain
damage." In a certain manner I
replied, "When you figure out who
I am then you will understand how
I do what I do." And I departed.
March 6. People controlling
and stealing from millions of
dollars of the Manhattan Time
Warner cable viewers' monies
tried to say: their newly locked
door and all imposed restraints
means and translates into ...
"Community Public Access."
Yes, if you are doing a political
spin turning truth into illusions and
fabrications. One would note a
building just East is a Community
Center - for the public also. It
has: No Locked Front Doors.
That is what they mean when one
says: "Open To The Public."
Court Buildings and Museum
front doors are not locked during
business hours. Now ask yourself:
what do they at this Public TV
Network have to hide ??? Sure.
MNN, America's largest Access
Cable Television Network takes
the money the public gave (and
gives) then they lock you out.
So: noted. Major criminal Fraud
has been going on at MNN for
at least 2 years to date (criminal
Fraud against the Manhattan
Community and Time Warner
Viewers). With lots of proof.
Of course. Politicians, the Law,
everyone is looking the other way
(in hopes they can take some of
the money too). All this is only
since A Riddle came to New
York. Anything further on the
matter to say at this point: can
not be printed. But if a riddle
looks around at what was brought
into this world by a riddle one will
learn: A Riddle was cursed by
"Him" ... "King of Kings" lifetimes
ago for what he did. This is just
for the Fun Of It. And for all
eternity The Word saith ... The
eyes of Justice. Or was that
Just this. Like "with the thing."
Analyze This.

March 7. The beginning to an
end. An interesting statement.
An interesting day. Some thing
to in Vest.

Talking to a Crystal, looking inside
- and not seeing is the mistake.
Again all about the "self." Thus
there is effect. As The Word
had warned. Add nothing good
get nothing good.
In the making
for a spell. Either you gain
something. Or you lost. The time.
As the Crystal is looked at. The
Word can say - What is the Story
of The Piper. The Crystal that
is Black becomes a Piper, The
Piper then becomes the Lady in
Arms, who all are ultimately just
recycled. Responsible for Your
Own Actions.
The Hell of never
being with those they love through
all time. You might say constantly
living in "a passing phase." A
Stranger In A Strange Land.
Lost. Forever. Like what is one
"Wills." Upon the soul. Life gives
it's Word it will give you, each
and every being: "one" second
chance. But only one. Sit down.
On this day year 2001, this time
a girl went to school to be "the
shooter." Not "a Lensperson."
A girl with a gun intending to kill.
It was written. At this point.
Time waits little. Headline:
"Shots Ring Out In Pennsylvaina
School Cafeteria." "Williamsport,
Pa. (Reuters) -- A teenage girl
(14) opened fire in the Cafeteria
of a
-Catholic- High School ... in
the second U.S. school shooting
in a week." 48 hours prior to that
shooting there was "A Message
to John Paul" written then comes
"a Catholic school." Is that good ?

Tomorrow is March 8. A special
"dead center." "In Memory."
The first year starting with "1"
(2001) for the next 10,000 years.
The First Millennium. Age of
Electricity. Each person one
day will as a fact see The Light.
When you go through it and
beyond it you will not return and
you will learn that while you were
in this world everything you did
mattered. As you go forward
you will see. All is connected.
Think about who you are
hurting. You may be hurting
Making it clear. In
the next world you are given no
chances, just position. It is in this
World that you are in -worlds like
Earth - where you are given "a
chance." It matters what you do.
Be well. Until we meet again.
Remember. You are connected.
How about a nice cup of tea ?
Or chicken Soup ?
(Look at what you see.)
Headline: March 7 "Shots
Ring Out In Pennsylvaina School
Cafeteria." "Williamsport", Pa.
(Reuters) Will ... i am sport.
Nature talking to you. Something
about the way The Word is
written. Black and White,
Living color, or in ...

How about a nice cup of tea ?

Even though on March 8 Frank
Meak and those other agents of
the State did murder 4 years later
he did also apologize. He said, to
the man he murdered: "I am sorry
for what happened that night and
I am sorry for the seriousness of
what it was." The apology was
accepted. Let it be written.
For all time. Chapter closed.
And Onward ...
Soon after the Educational
shooting on Carefree Street
a woman on Television said she
was thinking about sending her
daughter to "all girls school."
2 days later a 14 year old female
Catholic student firing more bullet
points in school was: a girl going
to shoot a girl. She did not care.
The 4th Educational Bullet Points
event in 2 days: 2 California
school children with gun and hit
list of 16 names are "in custody."
"Twentynine Palm." Can not
censor the American environment
and events from the News Media
in what will be The Modern Age.
But you can make the American
Environment better. The World
can come together. Not what
you believe. What is. Do you
know what Neo is ??? Do you
know what is the future ? As
always, Life to be continued.
The Story Is Told.
(Footnote: should also mention the
student who took out a gun in the
classroom in Washington State.
Teachers saved the day by talking
with the child. Washington said
something about "Politics." Earns
a resident quote. Hear the dead
speak.) Again. It is written: then
it happens, not before. What does
that indicate. 5 Education Bullet
Point events. 2 days. Multiplying.
All facts. The turn of a Friendly
Card. Where do you go from
here. And the good news is: Like
two candle sticks in the sky, the
Space Shuttle Discovery reaches
for New Beginnings March 8.
Year 2001. A little "thank you"
to the Universe. Blessings of so
pretty a picture. Much better than
War. "Schoolgirl shooter" in the
Williamsport "Catholic " school,
her last name is "Bush." Hummm.
Coincidence ? I would not fight
with my maker. It would be a
losing battle. Messages come
many ways. Have a nice day.
But don't get too comfortable.
Life is not pleased. Now the
World can deal with it.

March 9. Year 2001 Nasdaq
goes into a new Low (28 month
low). At this point you could call
it pure erosion. A spiral. Mr. S -
if in that equation of a million to
one they take $ 100 + (that does
not belong to "them") how much
do people lose ? If someone takes
$ 20,000 how much does the
general public lose ? What is the
Balance ? Now that you know
the answer to that, how much
would be the number that you
might suggest is the value of one
Human Life ? Times "a million",
what would be losses ??? As they
continue the equation include
for every missing minute at the
hourly rate. Forget not. The
Mosquitos Are Coming. Again,
even more costly. So many
lives at stake. And no one is
safe. (This is not a road that is
necessary to take, for the record.)
However ...

And did we hear ... again Big
Brother threatening "Him." See
the effects. Some never learn.

March 10 - "what a week it's
been." NY 1 earns a mention for
some fun.
Though much is not said, for what
can not speak and needs would
find it rude if it could be done
yet: was not. Some items chosen
to be spoken are refused. Like
the Japan stocks would dive. It
was heard the story of a lawyer
(representing the Law) who said
that a vessel made of fiberglass:
"the hull was rotting" reached The
Word and if you go fishing you
learn fiberglass hulls do not rot,
they crash into things and crack,
same as a Corvette, but they do
not rot plus one might think
considering the length of this
sentence that Hemingway would
have been proud to see someone
speak out because he was a
fisherman at heart and liked other
people who fished too and he
would have had something to
say about it considering he mainly
had wood boats around the ports
of call which as he can tell you
wood boats do rot if you make
it that people can not keep the
wood preserved, so it is said.
Moving images show the USS
Denver was in deep water with a
bite taken out of it. Beginning the
week. March 12. Year 2001.
Many could not speak. Nasdaq
stock index below 2000 (from
5000), the Dow lost 400 points:
4 %. Another vessel USS Harry
S. Truman was the beginning. An
F-18 Hornet U.S. Fighter jet to
Kuwait on an explosive run drops
bomb (accidently) on by-standers.
Did someone say "Ooops again."
One day later. Hoof and Mouth
travels to South America. Clouds
of smoke fill the air. Environment
makes change. The virus poses
no threat to humans ? Yet.
America bans Live stock and
dairy products from 15 Nations.
It was asked: have you ever
heard of the term: "A Prelude
To Famine."
Global "Biblical
Proportions." New Canaan
Connecticut school, "a stable
community." Continuing education
with a bomb to explode. Another
student in "Custody." This will
be said only one more time. If
you do not return what you stole
the Universe will kill you all
slowly and enjoy it. Never say
it was not said. You were given
more than plenty of warning.
Documented. Complete. And
Kenyon, Hidden Messages
occur when
you read only the
capitalized words you sent. That
was fun. Now ... "talkin' bout
My Generation"
read colors.
"Talia." What is of Jewish and
Greek origin, is Italian, but is
not. The answer is simple Talia.
Your Dad never married your
Mom. Why ? Considering he is
single. Heard she wasn't so nice
and she came with no apologies.
Read into it anyway you want.
Wok This is in effect here and
going forward. Until the people
reach out. To help. Paranormal
Events demonstrate. Human
Talent. Comes. Many ways.
Read a little. And you can.
Learn some of "The Magic
of Believing." Now learn this.
The Word does not need belief.
Yours or anyone else's. It is a
real Vibration. The human being
can produce it. Having Mother
Nature the Mentor. Life. Literally
written through Generations of
People. The U.S. President was
March 14 in the Sister State that
constantly threatens "Him." The
City of Newark, New Jersey --
in that State was touched. And
lost power. Electricity. (Signs
of The Word ..."Suddenly.")
Dark City for the Day. But
News sources called it. A City
in the Dark.

March 16
One good deed can create a good
thought. One good thought could
change a million bad events.
Ides of March. 2001. Hoof and
Mouth, Foot and Mouth, or heard
another. Call it. "Foot in Mouth."
Whatever is an individual's point
or view: the virus in the last 4
weeks has Marched around the
world. Spread like wild fire.
The Old Holy Lands ... Foot and
Mouth virus has now Marched
into Countries of the Middle East.
Looking very Global. More than
100,000 live stock destroyed to
start (burned) and no end in sight.
Yet. American Airports screening
all Travelers from abroad. News
video of U.S. workers forced to
"wash the soles" of International
Travelers. Nature actually forcing
Americans to "wash the feet" of
others. What you see. Say it is
not "Bibicial Proportions." You
can not erase. The Statement:
"Nature, and Nature's God." On
who's Declaration are those
words written. "Rid of Me":
Bloomberg Radio
TC Interview 2001. Audrey
going to work in a car heard
that Voice and said: I know
Him. She was right. Something
overlooked. Airwaves. Like
being everywhere. CBS TV
News or the NY Times not
having their very own moment
would have made it that only
these did not have when all the
other majors do. So. CBS News
has the "7 Second Death Trap."
And a picture, P.E.T.A. going
down after 20 years took care of
The Times. In conversation The
Word spoke and said, "We gave
you Electricity. And ... in one
hundred years you nearly killed
The World." Someone answered
and said, "That is true."
The Pen does write "Mother
Nature did not go through all of
this work to get you here just to
have mankind destroy it." Nature
is reacting. Remember it was
always said: "It did not have to
be this way." Do something nice
for somebody. That is a good

To The Muse. Like Piper asked.
Real names. Yes. Sgt. Joy almost
arrested Him for bouncing a 9"
rubber ball: one time. Historians
find many lies are found in the
realm of Constance. Special
people will say we know Him
and you may not. They are not to
blame. They will have, do carry,
great knowledge. They are those
allowed to speak with Him and to
Him. Then there is that voice
you hear. Again. It is Him in
your ear. It is that same voice,
that echos. "Where is your
Heart ?" Point to it is the answer.
Now you do know Him.

Lipton. Milk. No Sugar.
Back to current.

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